2024 Screening and Endorsement Process

The Houston LGBTQ+ Political Caucus is now accepting questionnaires for the screening and endorsement in the 2024 General Election!

If you are a candidate on the November ballot, whether contested or uncontested, you can seek The Caucus endorsement.

If you were uncontested in the Primary, if you would like The Caucus endorsement, you must submit a questionnaire and conduct a screening interview.

If you sought The Caucus Endorsement for the Primary, you have a choice:

  1. You can submit a new questionnaire and conduct a new screening interview (Recommended)
  2. You can use your previous questionnaire and score for consideration for the endorsement.

The priority deadline is June 30 and the final deadline is July 7.

The Endorsement Meeting will be Saturday, August 10 at Resurrection MCC. If you have any questions, please contact Only inquires submitted to will be OFFICIAL.

Please fill out the questionnaire below. If you have questions, please email

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